+39 0332 238205 info@sarcochemicals.it


Sarco Chemicals

since 1986

Your point of reference

Sarco Chemicals Ltd.
P. VAT: 01634520124
REA: VA – 195962
soc. cap. 10,000.00

Registered office: P.zza XX Settembre, 5 – 21100 Varese
Phone: +39 0332 238205 Fax +39 0332 238434
Email: info@sarcochemicals.it

Whatever your industry, do not hesitate to ask us about the products you need.

Most of the time we manage to solve the shortcomings of manufacturing companies, even having exclusive preview, special replacement and or improvement products not yet on the Italian market.

Succeeding thanks in part to our experience in guaranteeing you the most effective solution for your needs.